Paul Graham: Revenge of the nerds
We’ve got a printer in the office. I’m not sure how the network is organized, but it’s on a different IP range than the rest of the dev network. And for some reason I couldn’t get it to work.
Kubernetes使おうとすると早い段階で永続化の話が自然と出てくる。データベースをクラスタ内で動かすとか、ユーザー界の理由もありうるし、クラスタの土台となるツールが永続ボリューム(Persistent Volume)を要求することもある。
Mitake with its ropeway is probably “the” hiking destination in Tokyo. It’s accessible, not particularly high and you still get beautiful views. Oh, and crowds. Of course crowds.
I’ve had most of my stuff running a k3s “cluster” for the past half a year or so. The whole setup runs on a single $5-a-month Digital Ocean droplet with 1vCPU and 1GB of memory.
Needless to say, it doesn’t take much to bring the whole thing to its knees. While it has no issues dealing with the little traffic my blog receives, I would accidentally bring it down occasionally when I install a Helm chart that turned out to be much heavier than I’d thought.
Not the carrier. Not the anime. The mountain. (After which the carrier was named, by the way.) It’s not one of those jagged, snow-capped “cool” mountains. It’s a relaxed, even comfy mountain. At 1400-and-a-little meters high with gentle slopes, it’s a good day’s escape from Tokyo’s chaos.
After last year, I once again decided to take part in the Hacktoberfest fun. I have plenty of repositories lying around (sadly much less well maintained by yours truly than preferable). Of course this also means that I can gather the necessary contributions from updating dependencies in my own repositories, but I’d prefer to instead contribute to those dependencies.
Just a week after I did my three-day journey along the Jounen range, I went back to the Northern Alps for another round. This time I climbed Mt Yari. At 3180m it’s the fifth highest mountain in Japan, and second highest in the Northern Alps after Hotaka. The Yari-Hotaka ridge is something I’d like to try eventually (it’s famously challenging), but this wasn’t that time.
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