Author: valerauko


Reolははじめて夏のRock in Japanで生でみた。その時も迫力すごかったけど、やっぱり短く感じてしまったよね… 秋はワンマンやると知ったらもうそれは行くしかないねと思った。抽選も運良くあたったので行ってきた。最高だった。


Uhuru, ami szuahéliül szabadságot jelent, a Kilimandzsáró 5985m magas főcsúcsa. Először a Shira fennsíkról láttuk meg (bár elvileg ha jó idő van, még Arushából is lehet látni), aztán miután megmásztuk a Baranco falat, végig a bal oldalunkon magasodott.

Shira to Baranco

Living in a city for most of the time it’s always surprising just how clear the sky can be and how bright the stars can be once you’re in nature. That struck me at Mti Mkubwa too, the first camp on Kilimanjaro. “Oh, so that’s why it’s called the Milky Way!”

We started the day with a dancing-singing introduction from the porters and guides. It felt like we were at leisure of time, in no rush whatsoever. We woke up “early” of course (compared to when I’d normally wake up) but only left well past eight.



Ocean @ Tokyo

The Ocean was one of the first “djent bands” in my library, so I was really happy when I heard that they will be playing live in Tokyo. It was also my first time visiting the famous Shimo-Kitazawa area and also ages since the last time I’d been to such a small venue.

I didn’t realize there would be four (!) other bands playing too, The Ocean had all my attention. Some of them were more experimental (reminding me of Deafhaven) while others less so, but to be honest after a while they just felt long.

But the wait was worth it, as The Ocean delivered magnificently. It was also fun to see the community culture centered around the venue. Reminded me a lot of the university music club.







Summer Sonic 2019

Once again Summer Sonic came up with a lineup that I couldn’t resist. Just look at that: Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra, Maximum the Hormone, Rancid, Man with a Mission, Babymetal and even Red Hot Chili Peppers? In one day? It was nothing short of intense.


I’ve been thinking about climbing Tanzawa for a long time. It’s close to Tokyo and access is good. At the same time, depending on the route it can be exciting and long as well. The way I chose, starting from the Yabitsu pass, then going down towards Miyagase was both.