There’s one time when using linux takes its toll: when I’m installing Aegisub. Today I wanted to use said application, but apparently some upgrade in the past few years since I wasn’t using it broke it, and I had to rebuild. Well…
A hétvégén mindenhol és nagyjából mindenkinek azon sírtam, hogy mennyire pocsék a melóm és hogy minél hamarabb keresek majd egy másikat. Itt jelzem, hogy az elkövetkező egy hónapban még várható lesz pár ilyen kirohanás.
Shimane Beer Hearn IPA
Shimane Beer’s got a bunch of brews worth attention out there, so I was looking forward to their classic-looking IPA.
Just another beer night
Well, not really a beer night, but still. I just happened to have two 50% coupons for Popeye in Ryogoku from the last time I went there with Quattro, and they were valid until yesterday. You can’t let such an opportunity go to waste, so after waking up past 3pm (long live sleep deprivation) and working out for a few hours at the local gym, I decided to go and use the coupons.
Friday of hate
Things just stop being fun when you get a headache at 2pm and then you’re at work until 1am. Yes that’s a 14-hour shift there for me, starting at 10am. Gotta love it how the anime industry isn’t overworking people at all. And how most of the Japanese in the trade are actually content with how things are and don’t consider it weird at all that they work over 250 hours a month without getting paid for overtime.
Foreseeable future returns might make such an investment of time and stress worth it, but the obvious lack thereof (looking at my seniors) makes me doubt stuff. You know, on the “it might be better somewhere else” line.
Minoh Beer Osaru IPA
I picked this beer for the simple reasons that it looked funky with the beer-drinking monkey on the label, and that I like to have an IPA on stock at all times (just in case).
First of all, I’d like to send out a huge “fuck you” to the devs who came up with the idea of forcing us to take subs to a map full of ASW ships.
The monthly quest for 6-1 definitely isn’t worth it either. Its reward is a few hundred ammo topped with an Irako morale booster, but despite sortieing there almost constantly with five level 99 subs, I still couldn’t get the three S victories at the boss required for the quest. I guess it’s a more realistic monthly in the sense that it actually takes a month to clear if you refuse to bucket your subs (because at level 99 a full repair is over 3 hours, which is more than I’d like to wait in general).
I wanted to clear it for September, but I couldn’t get it done in the three days available. Maybe next time. I hate to have quests hanging there in the open.
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