Chromium YouTube crash

For quite a while Chromium has been randomly crashing when i tried playing YouTube videos. To be more exact, those tabs with YT videos open crash (not just the plugin, nor the whole browser). Sometimes it doesn’t crash, sometimes it does.

I managed to narrow it down to that it mostly happens if i have more than one YT tabs open. True, sometimes it crashes with only one open as well, but a reload usually solves that. Also it often crashes tabs when i try to play embedded videos.

Aegisub 3.0 on Ubuntu

After the Ubuntu distro update to Pangolin of course more stuff broke at first than were fixed, Aegisub being one of them. I had 2.1.9 before, but since the svn trunk is already the 3.0, i rather grabbed that than the older version (r6737). Installing, I was (of course) again faced by the annoying wxWidgets errors during configure.

For 2.1.9 I just worked around it somehow, but this time something snapped and i just got wxGTK 2.9.3. If only it was that simple… I had lots of problems with both wxGTK and Aegisub, but after a day or so I managed to get it working with help from an Aegisub dev.

For wxGTK: ./configure -with-opengl -enable-debug -enable-debug_gdb -enable-debug_cntxt -enable-stc, then after the install also run ldconfig. Then for Aegisub: ./configure -enable-debug.

I had to use the debug options, because we were debugging it, but i think it should work without them.

HDMI underscan

The other day I was translating late night and I had to use my headphones to catch a few lines. However the output from the jack of my speakers was so crappy that I rather decided to rather fetch my HDMI cable and connect my screen using that, then use the screen’s audio output. Why didn’t I use HDMI until now, even though it’s supposed to be superior?

That’s quite simple. I tried connecting it once, then this quite big black frame showed up. I couldn’t fix it instantly so I just gave up and rather connected using the analog cable. This time I didn’t give up so easily and googled. It took me a while to figure out what this black frame thing was called at all, and then how to solve it.





親父もう小学生だった頃なのに読むに苦労する。それに比べてシェークスピア(16世紀)とかカント(18世紀)を原書で読んでもわかる。 頑張らなきゃね。

Klubos életem

Ha már nem blogolok szinte semennyit (nincs tőle lelkiismeret-furdalásom, csak néha), legalább ha teszem, írok is valamiről. Mostanában (mondom, mostanában, de igazából már egy éve ez megy) nincs nagy változatosság: vagy klubos banzáj van, vagy arra próbálunk, vagy valakikkel valamilyen ürügyből (vagy minden ürügy nélkül) végigsörözzük az éjszakát, vagy itthon ülök és fordítok meg úgy csinálok, mintha értenék a fordításhoz.

Március közepén volt a végzősök három napos bulija, ami előtt meg után további három napot kellett készülődnünk-takarítanunk, nagyon izgalmas volt valóban. (Főleg, hogy nem léptem fel, mert nem fért bele a többi tagnak.) Mondjuk cserébe a záró ivászat jó hangulatú lett, reggelig ment.

Make me laugh

You know not blogging for months would be funny if I didn’t have anything to write about. But I do. I just simply can’t find the time to sit down and write blogposts about movies I watched, places I went, stuff I did…

It takes too much determination and I could use that determination for more creative purposes. And when I’m done with those, I’m back to the point where my brain is so numb i’d rather not write anything with the purpose of publishing it. Tough luck. Maybe when school starts this will change. Or get worse.


Azért zavar, hogy fölkelek valamikor, aztán délután ötig semmit nem csinálok, mert persze miért is csinálnék, végül is nem arra van a nap, aztán elmegyek kondiba, hazaérek hullafáradtan, eszek valamit, és akkor akarok mindennek nekilátni. Aztán csodálkozok, hogy semmivel nem haladok.

SEX冠 in 京都MUSE




No, i’m not an encoder. And it’s apparent. Not to mention i’m using linux, so it’s not even as simple as grabbing a random Free MPEG-2 To H264 (30 days trial) (not malware) (confirmed download) and hope it works.

Problem is that when i record Phi Brain, sometimes there’s this weird show before it, and i end up recording a few minutes of that as well because of the safety margin. However, that show is aired in 4:3 instead of 16:9 and i think even the audio encoding might be different, not to mention the switch messes up all the headers possible, so no players are willing to open it (the only one that could open it was actually WMP and honestly, i’d prefer not having to reboot to Windows or using a virtual machine).


Okay, I think that was a record. A whole of 5 posts in a month? I’ve never been so lazy before. Or cared so little, actually. There’s not much going on in my life anyway, except for translating lots of anime, going to the gym and running every day, and playing my guitar and bass.

Actually i learned a song, the opening song for Thermae Romae by Chatmonchy on guitar, but i need to practice it some more before i would dare to record a video and upload it. I’ve been also practicing RHCP songs (Dani California, Factory of Faith, Emit Remmus, Snow), because I really want to get on stage with it next semester.