The label of this beer looks just simply black at first glance, and that caught my attention. Honestly I was expecting a stout at first, but then looking closer, it did say pale ale. A pale ale with green tea and wasabi in it? Sounds like a challenge…
Oh!La!Ho Captain Crow Extra Pale Ale
You know, I’ve always felt that the name “pale ale” is misleading. Even now the first impression of the word “pale” is that it would be light, just how the mass-produced commercial lagers are watered-down versions of the real thing.
Obviously, that’s not why pale ales are called pale, and once I realized that I was quite excited to try out Oh!La!Ho’s extra pale ale.
It’s been a while since I last got caffeine high. It might’ve been a year or two back when I knocked back 4-5 cups of freshly brewed coffee during a late-night translation session.
Just read that piece on Gaijinpot about questions we get asked all the time, and I decided to compile my own list. There are a few questions that are bound to come up when I meet someone for the first time, such as…
- Where are you from?
- Is English the official language there?
- What is your language like?
- What is your country famous for?
- How long have you been in Japan?
- Why did you come to Japan?
Minoh Beer Stout
The brews of the Osaka Minoh Beer have been winning the world beer awards for years now. Not that I was aware of this when I picked up this stout, but it was worth mentioning nonetheless (and it kind of explains the price tag).
It’s coming
Winter is. Well, eventually. For now it’s still just autumn, but today it was so cold all day that I was wondering if the weather mistook the month. Yesterday was somewhat warmer thanks to the typhoon that passed on Monday night, but today I was cold in my new hoodie. I also had to close the windows for the night due to the cold, something I haven’t done in the past half a year (except when typhoons were above me).
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. I like autumn with all its cold and grayness, it just caught me a bit off guard this time.
Today one of my co-workers called in a sysadmin. I noticed that for a good while now he’s been running “cure my PC” kind of “anti-malware” software on a daily basis. You know, the kind that does more harm than good.
Brewdog 5am Saint
While it’s not yet 5am (just 2), I decided to check out what Brewdog’s “hoppy red ale” is like.
Good beer, bad beer
A week or so ago I went to Popeye with a friend, had a bunch of beers, but nowhere close to getting drunk. That wasn’t the point either, just an interesting flavor to the night.
Amaou Oatmeal Black
Trying out something new is usually a great thing, and I’ve been interested by the name of “oatmeal stouts” for a while now. I have oatmeal for breakfast basically every day anyway, so I was wondering how that adds up with a stout. Thing is, I’ve never before had any of these extreme stouts (like chocolate stout for example), so I don’t have a basis for comparison.
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