Tag: english

Wanna fansub more

I’m doing plenty of translations for a bunch of groups, but i still don’t feel satisfied. I want to be the first, which is of course a naive idea with Crunchy rip groups like Horrible out there, ruining the fun for the nice people like us. It works with Xros Wars, even though i don’t have a raw to work from, thanks to the chinese releasing their subs pretty fast. It works with Yumekui that i do for WoF because with next-day translations the hungarian market can be satisfied.

We were talking with iMon about what should we be doing next season, since i’m already occupied now with Gosick for Tokimeki, Xros Wars, and the rest for WoF, but it still turns out that if i want my translations to be the first out there for people to download and use, that needs hell of a team. I can do translation well enough (being immodest, because who cares), iMon can do typesetting and encoding, but that still leaves us short of at least a timer and if possible an editor. In case of Xros Wars, i’m doing timing myself, but i’m not good at it, neither am i fast, so it’s not really what you’d call ideal.

For the next season we were planning to do Ao no Exorcist and Steins;Gate. If you feel like joining our fun as timer or editor, and you can work fast yet good, please contact me. Or iMon.


Every now and then i buy stuff from Amazon, and because of that every now and then i get offer emails from them, related to stuff i bought lately. But it’s strange.

If i just bought a not-so-cheap, big and well rated monitor, why would i buy another one right after? Wouldn’t it be better to offer me dunno, media boxes, remote controls, speakers, stuff that i would want to buy to make my media and/or gaming experience better. Or a high precision laser mouse which would come handy if i were buying that monitor for graphic design purposes (or for playing fps games all the time).

Offering me dozens of other screens, it just doesn’t make much sense to me.

Someone give them a cold shower

Seriously. Considering a tiny plastic toy gun of a GI Joe figure a real threat, it seriously makes me wonder who’s the bigger threat – actually dangerous people (see Moscow suicide bomber) or the zeal of these security personnel who think they can do whatever they want just because they are airport security personnel.

Following the tweets of ioerror, Boing Boing and Cory Doctorow gives me plenty of such stories every day, though usually it’s nothing so obviously hilarious. I mean, anyone with just a bit of common sense could see that a plastic toy poses no threat. And the airport people X-rayed the package to see if they had bullets for it. Come on.

It’s again different (though not better in any way, on the contrary), when airport security are messing around with people just for the heck of it. Most of the people don’t know their rights, so they rather comply than go through a long and troublesome procedure. Also it’s a problem that usually it’s not even simple to get to know your rights. For US people, having websites as the one i linked above it might be, but i really have no patience to look up what rights i have as a hungarian in Japan. I know i should have.

A place

Oh by the way, yesterday i think i secured an apartment for myself. It’s not as cheap as i wanted, but it’s comfortably big and is very close to the university. Now i only have to go through tremendous amounts of paperwork and it shall be all settled.

On music pirates

Reading an article on the topic on Ars made me think. The graphs there show that the overwhelming percentage of music pirates are teens—which can be either because they are the new generation that grew up on the net, or because they don’t have enough money to buy all the music they want. Yet.

More or less still kids i guess at first they just start downloading music because they can and they will of course try it, since it’s free, and it gets you good music. It’s obvious that free samples to good to sales: all online music stores have previews. Just consider teen piracy as a preview. They get what they want, check it out, love it or hate it, and probably when they have money they’ll go to the live performances of the artists, and buy the albums. Usually first the lives, and then the records: it takes a lot more enthusiasm (and/or maturity) to give out money for something you already have, but as for me, i consider downloaded music something bought but not yet paid.

Just as how i’ll start collecting books on the grand scale once i have a place to put them and the money to buy them, i will start collecting music just the same fashion. (Actually i already started with music since that takes up much less space. I’m expecting a cd tomorrow from CDJapan.)

Starbucks Guatemala Finca el Faro

Those guatemalans know something.

Finca el Faro is also a limited edition coffee produced on one certain farm in Guatemala for Starbucks (though it’s strange i can’t find anything about it on their or any related website), but in general it’s a different sensation than Casi Cielo was.

While making the coffee i tasted a bit of the ground beans, and it reminded me of two things at the same time: nuts and popcorn. The aroma of the fresh brew is first of all lively and fresh. It’s like an autumn campfire, not all so soft but an overall warm feeling. Also a touch of cocoa.

With just a bit of sourness (most of which comes back after finishing the coffee) and a really nice, soft and full, i would even say buttery if i dared to. Its sweetness is really well counterbalanced by the boldness, so it matches my preferences (though not as much as Casi Cielo). This coffee also leaves a cover of pure coffee taste on the tongue, so its taste lingers around for a long time.


Best anime openings?

What are the best anime openings ever? The first few that came to my mind were…

Any suggestions?

Digimon Xros Wars 23 english sub

The 23th episode of Xros Wars, titled “Ninja Zone, the ninja battle of laughter” marks a significant point in my path as a fansubber. This is the first sub that i myself release as a video (720p mkv thanks to CASO), and also the first subtitle that i timed all the way. It took hell a lot of time, but i think it’s at least enjoyable.

Starbucks Guatemala Casi Cielo

A limited edition coffee now sold in probably all the Starbucks shops around the world (they surely sell it in hungary), Guatemala Casi Cielo is really how its name suggests: almost Heaven.

The ground beans and the fresh brew have a sweet but bold aroma, that somewhat reminds me of a well done tiramisu cake. You can also smell the smokiness of a well roasted coffee. It really makes you want to drink it.

And the taste… It just hits the spot. I can’t recall drinking a coffee so fit to my tastes ever since the italian blend (and before that, Verona). It has just the mix of sourness, sweetness, characteristic aromas (a hint of chocolate-ish, a hint of rum-ish, a hint of some latin spice-ish) and smoothness. I like how thick it is even for a medium coffee, it almost makes me forget that i’m a fan of extra bold ones usually. A perfect, easy sting of bitterness in the end tops it all.

People trying to stop smoking, be careful: this beauty will make you want to smoke.


Super-r net not so super?

Last spring i got the first internet provider i could find: Super-r. As apparent from my plurk and twitter streams, it’s often more of a disconnection than a connection.

I was for example not aware that i had some limitations or rules on my traffic. Apparently there are, because for a day now my internet was cut. After i couldn’t reconnect this morning, i now decided to call the support. Surprisingly they answered at first try, but what they said was more surprising. My net was indeed cut, because i was generating too much traffic.