Tag: english

On the internet wars

I like that phrase. It sounds epic, when in reality it’s nothing so epic. I especially have fun when newspapers and online magazines refer to anonymous as a “hacker group”, occasionally even adding “that gathers on the meme-generating portal 4chan”. Seriously, why do people write about matters they don’t have the slightest idea about? I mean, it’s one thing if i’m blabbering nonsense on my blog, and another if it’s a (inter)national online news portal’s editor who does that.

It’s hilarious though, how easily anon can take down websites. With less than 500 ion cannons in the hive, the website of the swedish whatever office who charged Assange was taken and kept down for hours. Same goes for the swiss bank who froze the WikiLeaks account. With not a whole 1500 in the hive, Mastercard’s main website was down and it announced that even secure transactions were facing connection problems. And when i went to sleep, the hive was closing 2000 and more and more people were demanding an attack on PayPal. (If you wanted to know the hive size or any of the details on the topic, checking /b/ would’ve sufficed, with every third thread being related to Operation Payback.)

Anime awards, 2010

I felt like i have to write this down: the best anime in the season is definitely Panty and Stocking, being on a level of awesomeness comparable only to FLCL. The most fabulous anime is obviously Star Driver. The best drawing award is either for Ore no Imoto or Star Driver. The best opening song is Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai, that’s simply great—but the overall best soundtrack is Panty and Stocking. The cutest moeblob is everyone’s beloved Squid Girl でげそ. The best seriously serious anime is Shiki, which also has a good chance of winning the best story award (there’s not much competition in that area though, maybe only Digimon Xros Wars and (who knows?) Star Driver could stand a chance). Best kids’ anime is without question Xros Wars.

Disagree? Feel free to. Suggest other anime as well if you wish.

Machine a-trollin

Out of curiosity, i watched the first Boxxy video, which is by chance up on youtube in the original version, not some music remix. And this video reminded me of Gaia online, a name i knew i knew, and indeed: i vaguely recall having registered there back in the “good old” AN days (around when this blog started, alongside MapleStory, which, unlike Gaia, i played for a nice while), and today during english class i confirmed it. The valerauko username was taken, and i’m positive that no one else uses that, so i checked and i was registered with my old freemail.hu email. Which is problematic, because i had a random password for that, and i didn’t know that even when i was using that mailbox. So i tried and tried and retried, and finally i hit the right password for the Gaia user. Lucky my set of passwords is a finite set…

I logged in, and after a few minutes (and changing my password) i ended up in the forums’ Panty and Stocking thread. After making a few posts, my computer turned off. Just like that. There was no burnt smell, it wouldn’t turn on again and electricity was on. After checking everything else i checked the most troublesome: i moved the desk to see that the power chord of the computer has somehow fallen out of the plug. Apparently my computer learnt some trolling lately.


Now either there’s a website there, that mysteriously acquires secret documents an dumps them for the public. In this case, the chase after the site makes complete sense, considering how a canadian presidential advisor suggested Julian Assange (from now on, the Wikileaks guy) should be assassinated, considering how Wikileaks had to move to the Amazon cloud to handle the immense ddos attacks (and yet, it’s not accessible for me right now – either Japan’s censoring me, or the site’s down) and how some swedish court issued an Interpol arrest notice for the poor guy (on basis of some apparently made-up sexual harassment charges).

Or, the whole Wikileaks thing is created by CIA. This would explain how a website could so mysteriously obtain such documents. Also, in this case too, the persecution against Wikileaks would make sense, just that’d mean that the whole world is being trolled by the CIA.

Reading the articles (mostly at Ars Technica), i really laughed out loud at parts… like where american congressmen labeled Wikileaks terrorism in a white-hot rage. This just reinforces what Cory Doctorow writes in Little Brother.

The day of extremities

Today i wake up at the first alarm of my phone, then went back to bed as usual until the last one… And i found it strange that it was the next. Nevermind, i had breakfast, and headed for school. Of course i was late, but only by roughly ten minutes—or so i thought. As i arrived, in a few minutes the teacher ended the class, and i was totally dumbfounded. For a few seconds, then i looked at my watch and i realised that i wasn’t late by ten minutes but by an hour. Turns out i forgot to reset my alarm from the 9 am weekend setting…

But at least i slept well in class.

Then i came home and came another raging thirty minutes. The rice cooker didn’t turn itself off (lately this happens more often than convenient) so the bottom of the rice was burned, while the top wasn’t even cooked properly. In the meanwhile i turned the power on the stove too high so the topping got burnt too. Not to mention when i picked the rice cooker off the fridge to get the rice out, it slipped out of my hand covering half of my kitchen floor with rice.

Then english classes that i spent sleeping and having fun with puddi on /b/.

I went to buy coffee, then headed for the karaoke at the station, where i spent half an hour practicing the Slipknot songs (except Three Nil that they didn’t have). Even though the performance’s not going to happen…

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1

After a long time i went to watch a movie in cinema again. The long awaited seventh (but not final) Harry Potter movie was most definitely not bad, but i don’t know how good it was.

I feel like shit

Yesterday coming home from the station i realized that from now on i’ll have to practice the Slipknot songs like hell. And then i realized something else as well. Deadline for bands to sign up is next tuesday, and the audition is the 14th. That’s where i got suspicious–don’t tell me the live would be when i’ll be at home.

But of course it is. I’m soo totally fucked screwed… I don’t even have an idea how much i’ll have to apologize for this. I’ve got the first mail back from the others and sure it starts nice “well there’s no helping that” but then goes into insane rage mode blaming me for not paying attention when the date was announced (i would bet a finger it was not) nor did i ask about it earlier, going as far as to suggest that i did it on intention.

I guess no helping this.

Thanks for your kind understanding in case you wanted to say something that starts with “haha you’re…”

Know happiness

Now it’s confirmed that i’ll have financial problems next year as well. Why? Let’s see…


Sat 12, Tokyo, JAPAN, Super Arena (with Bullet For My Valentine, Rise To Remain)

Sat 13, Tokyo, JAPAN, Super Arena (with Bullet For My Valentine, Rise To Remain)

Iron Maiden Official Website

And also…

special guest


Japan, 20.02.2011, Sapporo, Zepp

Japan, 22.02.2011, Sendai, Zepp

Japan, 23.02.2011, Nagoya, Zepp

Japan, 25.02.2011, Fukuoka, Zepp

Japan, 27.02.2011, Osaka, Hatch

Japan, 28.02.2011, Tokyo, Zepp

Helloween Official Website

Shall i explain any further?

Bluebird’s Illusion

I think most Fullmetal Alchemist fans have seen those images of Ed as a homonculus. It’s also no secret that this Pride Ed is from a chinese fan game called Bluebird’s Illusion—something that many longed for and hardly any have actually played.

Whenever i stumbled upon a Pride Ed picture earlier i always set off on a googling journey to find an actual playable of the game, without success—until now. Today i was googling “pride” for a 4chan cap, and i’ve seen the pic linked above. This time my search was successful.

I found a website which has downloadables of the game, screenshots and partial translations. I did get the game and it’s indeed what it claims to be.

Now i have a reason to learn chinese.

Feeling worthless

Wanted to start translating, looked around, found a translation done already, checked it out, and it’s of a grade that even my best works can’t be compared to it. Feeling worthless, disarming of this emotion still underway, without much progress.