I wanted to do a couple of things today, but out of five, three ended up not how i planned. First i went to the dry cleaner, where my parents sent my coat for cleaning and repairing, but the dressmaker forgot to do the pockets too, so i couldn’t take it yet. I wanted to bring back all but one of the books i borrowed from the library, but they told me i have one more at home—one i thought i brought back a month ago. Then i wanted to buy batteries for my laptop, since the current one, as the linux says, “has only 24% capacity”, thus “is either damaged or too old”. In the store where i checked, after waiting for about ten minutes for them to figure out what batteries are fit for my laptop, they told me that a new battery would cost about 25000 HUF (approx $150), and it’d take three or four weeks to ship. That’s “no thanks” category for me…
Linux won’t become my favourite operating system anytime soon, that’s sure. I may not be geek enough, but it’s no fun when i install an operating system and i have to spend hours worth of time configuring and installing such basic stuff such as mp3 codecs for the built-in media player (i wonder what it can play out of box), accessing other partitions or just using the network.
Ubuntu is a great choice if you are lucky enough to have a network card it supports. Too bad for me, it recognises neither my wired nor the wireless card, so it’s totally useless, since i spend most of the time with network activities or coding. Without network access i couldn’t update or install any more software, so there was no point to mess around with it anymore.
Yesterday i decided to try out openSUSE. The live cd surprised me: my wired network actually worked! Since i’m not at home now, i’m connecting to the net on wired network (thus i don’t know if the wireless’d work), so i could install stuff and use it… With not much success. I couldn’t mount my NTFS partitions normally (i even tried editing the fstab manually), nor could i play mp3 files, even after installing the suggested codec for the built-in player and lame too. And it wouldn’t import any of my settings from Windows (Ubuntu did). After a day of googling for fixes of various minor annoyances, i decided that whatever people say, i’d have to spend a lot more time in front of the screen (thus going “kyub“) to get adept at using linux. Until then i’ll just stay a lame music-maniac philosopher journalist with a strange addiction to php, who uses Windows. Still.
Először innen
Most írok először (és biztos, hogy nem utoljára) Budapestről, a szobámból, a saját leptopommal. Tegnap egy kisebbfajta atomkatasztrófa ütött be a legfontosabb partícióm háza táján: a kicsike nem volt éppen ott és akkora méretben, amekkorában kellett volna neki – sikerült azóta néhány képet kimenteni (a többi ki van írva dévédére, de a képeket nagyon sajnálnám, ha mind elveszne), és most is éppen egy adatvisszanyerő progival ellenőrzöm a maradék helyet. Hátha.
Az egész azzal indult, hogy az Ubuntu telepítője egy partíciót se látott – négy fizikai és négy logikai helyett. Kiderült, hogy különféle problémás átfedések jelentkeztek, nyilván amikor a betűjeleket módosítottam. Azóta is többször sikerült felbosszantania napjaink egyik legfelkapottabb linux-disztrójának: ugyanis a telepített verzió mintha kevesebbet tudna, mint a live cd. A live cd-n ott van a gparted, a telepítetten nincs; az előbbin működik a hálózat, utóbbin nem – főleg ez a bosszantó, merthogy alapja az semmi nincs.
Úgyhogy az egyetemi informatikusi pályafutásom nem indult valami fényesen, de mutogatok bőszen Bill bácsiék remek compmgmt
-ére, meg a hülye Ubuntu-telepítőre.
Brave enough
Yesterday i was brave enough to repartition my hard disk and reinstall both Win and Ubuntu (though i haven’t yet installed the latter). The repartitioning part was fun, because the partitioning software announced some strange error on one of my logical drives and left its NTFS table (or whatever) open, so that i couldn’t continue with GParted from the Ubuntu live cd either. Luckily i could do a chkdsk
on it from the Win install cd, so a few hours later my partitions were totally resized and reordered. Since then i’ve installed Win and the most crucial apps (security, browser and media player), and now… well now i’m about to head off in town to buy some notebooks for my university time. I’ll need a couple, i think. I’ll also say hi to my schoolmates, who’re still suffering in the Bolyai high (so i’ll be evil and have a laugh at them). After that i’ll try to redo my timetable, because the one the uni gave us ain’t the best… i have a lecture each week friday 2-5pm—the worst is that’s my only lecture on friday. I hope i can do it. After that, i’ll be installing the creative apps (office apps, webdesign and coding stuff) and fixing my folder structure. And selecting the best of my music.
Ma olvastam az Ars Technica tegnapi cikkei között, hogy a világra szabadult egy új keresőmotor, melynek neve Cuil. A gyártói más keresőmotoroktól jöttek, így van némi tapasztalatuk, mindazonáltal szerintem a Cuil (ami szó írül “tudást” jelent, ahogy azt az info oldalon elmondják) még van hova fejlődjön – persze nem is szabad túl nagy kritikákkal illetni, hiszen még csak tegnap indult, és mégis (és ez nem csak reklámfogás) a legnagyobb indextárral rendelkező keresőmotor: jelen pillanatban körülbelül százhúsz milliárd oldalt látott már a botjuk, ami (ha minden igaz) háromszor annyi, mint amit a Google, és tízszer annyi, mint amit a Microsoft tudhat magáénak. Büszkék rá, hogy nem gyűjtenek semmilyen adatot, vagyis nem rögzítik a keresési történetet (semmi módon, ellentétben a Google gyakorlatával), és tartalmi besorolás szerint működnek, azaz nem a látogatókon múlik, mennyire releváns az adott oldal az adott témához – pedig talán jobb lenne. Például a “vale blog” keresésre, amire minden más kereső első helyen dobja ki (helyesen) a blogom (elvégre Vale volnék, és ez az én blogom volna), itt még csak az első oldalra se kerül. Viszont így is nagyon ígéretesnek tűnik, és talán ha ezen a rendező algoritmuson még igazítanak, valóban lesz esélye a Google és társai babérjaira törni. Meglássuk.
My problem with community sites
How does it feel to post your artwork on deviantArt, your photos or thoughts on Tumblr, or just a blogpost on the sphere, when you know that no one is interested, you can write whatever you want, you could announce that you invented the cold fusion engine, and minimized it so that it fits into your pocket, no one would read you, simply because they don’t know you are there. There are so many people on these places, that you need more than one out of the following: huge luck (for some editor or a famous blogger to stumble upon your activity), extreme patience (to constantly post your works, however tiring that may be, and wait for the people to slowly realise who you are), lot of free time (to go around the sphere finding interesting people and starting to follow them or comment on their posts, hoping that they’ll come back to you to return the favour—note, this is the best way to do it, though it needs loads of devotion) or loads of friends or fans beforehand (if you’re a successful blogger or artist before joining a site where a couple of your readers is present, then you won’t have to wait a minute to receive a comment on whatever you did). Regarding the last few words of the parentheses: the most annoying thing is when you do your best and write or draw or photo really high quality stuff, any no one pays attention because some “popular person” just pooped in his hat. It’s just annoying. You can’t (shouldn’t) spend all your time before the screen just so that you’ll get a couple more visitors, and a bit of appreciation for your work.
new dot facebook dot com
To be honest, i’m not that huge fan of Facebook, but i’m registered ever since my american exchange partner invited me. I wasn’t using it much, so i’m not familiar with it’s deeper functioning, but i’ve read that there’s a new version available, at least the layout is new, and it’s available at new.facebook.com. I decided to check it out, but except for a couple of changes in the layout, i couldn’t see much change. There’s a new bar at the top and the bottom of the page, the bottom one being the more important, displaying how many of your friends are online, your notifications and a popup chat. The Wall got a lot bigger space on the profile page, and somehow all the applications that took up so much disappeared (may be they are not yet running on the “new Facebook”), just a couple is squeezed into the left sidebar. The home page didn’t really change, the left column disappeared and thus the page became a two-column design, which results in a somewhat better look. But the main design, the colours and basically everything else remained just the same. I’ve got the feeling that they’re either going to change a lot more in the future, or they’re afraid that their users won’t be able to get used to the new interface if it changed too much—which is a real danger, seeing the average performance of community site users. If anyone else has a different opinion, or was using Facebook more than i, feel free to write your opinions.
deviantArt v6
Ettől hangos most a dA, és nem is ok nélkül. Az új verzió bizony legalább akkora változásokat hozott a kedvenc művészoldalamnál, mint a last.fm-nél. Először csak azt hittem, hogy valami apróbb dizájnátrajzolás történt, aztán jobban megnéztem, és minden megváltozott. A fent linkelt cikkben ők elmondják a leglényegesebbeket, így nekem csak azt kell leírnom, amit akarok, nem mindent.
Igazság szerint valószínűleg egy cseppet lemaradtam a hatos változat indításáról, mert amióta a hármas tűzrókával lesem a netet, azóta mindig a legutóbbi lapokkal nyitok, így a korábbi kezdőlapomat (a deviantArtot) szinte soha nem is látom már. Magamtól ugyanis ritkán járok arra. A színek ugyanazok maradtak, a szinte már márkajelnek számító matt-zöld árnyalat, amit ha máshol látunk, az kapásból dA koppintásnak számít. Viszont az ötösnél még sokkal sokkal több lett az ajaxos elem, így a hatos dA már egy vérbeli webkettes oldal, mindenféle királyságos drag’n’drop és hasonló jóval megáldva, amitől szinte már az az érzésem támad, hogy nem is egy weboldalt, hanem valami asztali alkalmazást nézek. Ott még mondjuk nem tartunk, hogy a főoldalon a legfrissebb képek maguktól frissüljenek, de ennek másodpercenként sok új képnél nem is lenne értelme, inkább csak zavaró lenne. Bár egy “Refresh newest” gombot el tudnék fogadni valamelyik sarokba, ami csendesen ajaxal lehívná az aktuális legfrissebbeket.
I’m lagging behind the great ones… But i’m not interested (i think i’m becoming somewhat of a nihilist, seeing my attitude towards most matters)—or rather say i am, but no way would i hurry to catch up just so that i’d be “up to date”. Especially since the sites i’m talking about, the ones having had a redesign nowadays are really giants: deviantArt, last.fm and Facebook. In my opinion last.fm changed the most… Not only did they switch to a new layout, but also changed lots on the system itself. There’s a lot of debate going on whether or not the new layout is better than the previous one—it’s very different for sure. Those who used the old layout for a long time will need a bit of time to get used to this new one—and what’s strange, it seems that new users too, which i think indicates that something’s not really alright with this new design. Skip (this reminds me of “Mother’s” telegram in the Diary of Adrian Mole aged 13 3/4: “ADRIAN STOP COMING HOME STOP”, and the poor boy starts wondering why should he “stop coming home”). There is a new (?) feature called Library, which is a great idea in my opinion, instead of (but not replacing) all those relatively ugly charts with much more usable, good-looking mosaic. The event handling didn’t change much, only it’s not always that evident where and what should i click. (Summary.) Though the layout’s not the best choice ever made, i think the new version worth it. I at least like it and will go on using last.fm as long as it’s there and free. (Yeah, i haven’t written about dA and Facebook, those are coming in a later post.)
FireFox 3
Finally, it’s out. I hope everyone downloaded it during the Download Day, if not, do so now. At least give it a try, especially if you’re still suffering with Internet Explorer (that thing makes both the user and the developer suffer). The Download Day was, i think, a success, since FF3 was downloaded more than eight million times in that 24 hours. To write something about the browser too: it’s about the same as before, i couldn’t see many changes, except for that the skin i used (Noia) and some of the plugins do not yet work with the new version (at least the webdev toolbar had no problems). The base skin of FF3 is not bad at all, by the way, it’s simple and compact, but not ugly. If there’s an increase in rendering speed, i’m happy about it, although while browsing as usual there was no significant change. On the other hand, the settings panel and the bookmarks changed a lot, and there is a couple of other minor changes too, about which later.
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