Tag: geek

Guess what

Welcome to our regular post-Ubuntu update rant. I’m a bit disappointed that i have to write one like this again, especially since i haven’t logged on to Ubuntu for quite a while after the update came out (i stayed on Windows to play League). And even with the extra time, there were problems present.


I just got my USB wifi adapter and new mouse today, and of course my first thing was to set up network sharing. It went in a flash on Windows. I installed the wifi adapter’s drivers, and it sorted out the rest. Internet sharing was pretty much automatic.


I’ve used Chromium on my linux desktop for years now without any problems. The built-in JavaScript console and other dev features make it very convenient when i suddenly decide i wanna hack some sites, and also it syncs all my bookmarks and passwords with other Chrome/Chromium browsers running on my Windows boot or by now, on my laptop.

I noted earlier how uploading a picture to twitter on Windows 8 from Chromium on my laptop freezes the whole machine for minutes, but i thought that was just because i had a 720p video, multiple browser tabs and an irc client running too (now guess what was i doing).


So in preparation for the longer periods i’ll be spending away from home during the summer (and also a “long-time investment”), i bought an ASUS X201E notebook. It’s not a powerhorse, but it’s cheap and good enough for what i need it for (translating and checking email). It arrived the other day, and i had some fun setting it up.

The charm of code

The past few weeks i’ve had a few chances to look at code. Snippets showing the newest cutting edge features of PHP. A fun online JavaScript console one of my twitter friends made. A multifunctional IRC bot written in Python. Some fun pieces of Ruby code. My own archives from the Java class I took last semester.


Most tűnt fel, hogy a telefonom már a szobámban is tökéletes jelerősséget jelez. Ez csak azért érdemel említést, mert eddig nemhogy tökéletes nem volt, de néha csak bizonyos zugokban volt egyáltalán jel (mit érdemel az a bűnös, aki földszinti lakásba költözik stb). Nem tudom, hogy a szolgáltatóm telepített-e a közelbe egy új állomást vagy csak a tegnapelőtti Android frissítés eredménye, akárhogyis, én csak örülök hogy végre nem kell a fölöttem lakó wifijét lopnom ha Skyrim közben rá akarok keresni valamire a neten.

Unity again

Remember how I said two years ago that Ubuntu devs should first get Unity to work and then put it in a live release? Well, it all worked quite well… Until the last distro update messed things up again as usual.

Local jungle

A while ago i bought a Kindle-only book on the american Amazon. Now that i got a smartphone i thought why not get the Kindle app so that i could read stuff when bored on the train. I did get the app, but for some reason my books wouldn’t show up.

Media in Ubuntu

The new Ubuntu isn’t doing all so well with media playback at all.

First of all all programs that are supposed to be able to handle my iPod can’t write the media database anymore (they had no problem syncing it before, but then after an ugly crash i had to factory reset it, and since then, nothing). They add/delete the files alright, but they’re unable to do anything with the database, resulting totally useless gigabytes of data on the player.


A mai nappal pedig végleg bemondta az unalmast a gépem ki-bekapcsoló gombja. Már egy ideje vacakolt, volt, hogy fel kellett nyitnom a borítást és hátulról megtámogatni a gombot, de most már teljesen vége. Hat drót kapcsolódik hozzá, ebből kettő teljesen elvált. Eddig is macerás volt bekapcsolni, úgyhogy inkább ki se kapcsoltam, vagy csak elaltattam, de aztán ma ezt elfelejtettem, és a “megszokott” módon reflexből áramtalanítottam.