Tag: hegymász

High camps

After Plaza Argentina base camp, we kept doing the same load carrying routine: carry up some team gear, go back down, maybe rest and then move to the higher camp. We had a total of three high camps: camp 1 at 4950m, camp 2 at 5570m and camp Colera at 5870m. While we were climbing Aconcagua the “Polish traverse” route, Colera is also the highest camp of the “normal” route.

The first few days

The route up to almost 7000m altitude on Aconcagua is a long one. I’ll write about the “world below” (Mendoza and the area) later. Our route, the “Polish traverse” goes up the Vacas valley to the base camp at Plaza Argentina. On the way we had lunch at some roadside restaurant where we met another team (of two + guide) who were going up the “normal route.”

Aconcagua as seen from the road below







If you’ve watched Yama no Susume, then you’ve heard of Mt Tanigawa. It’s the goal of a major arc of the story and an important memory to the characters. I went there in a different season though (in the snow), but didn’t climb the main summit. For no particular reason other than I didn’t realize the summit I was at wasn’t the highest point. Whoops.

Mitake & Otake

Mitake with its ropeway is probably “the” hiking destination in Tokyo. It’s accessible, not particularly high and you still get beautiful views. Oh, and crowds. Of course crowds.


Not the carrier. Not the anime. The mountain. (After which the carrier was named, by the way.) It’s not one of those jagged, snow-capped “cool” mountains. It’s a relaxed, even comfy mountain. At 1400-and-a-little meters high with gentle slopes, it’s a good day’s escape from Tokyo’s chaos.


Just a week after I did my three-day journey along the Jounen range, I went back to the Northern Alps for another round. This time I climbed Mt Yari. At 3180m it’s the fifth highest mountain in Japan, and second highest in the Northern Alps after Hotaka. The Yari-Hotaka ridge is something I’d like to try eventually (it’s famously challenging), but this wasn’t that time.


どうやら定義通りの表銀座は燕岳・大天井岳・槍ヶ岳らしい。それならいっそ常念山脈縦走と言った方がいいかな? 中房温泉から燕岳に登って、そこから尾根をたどって大天井岳、常念岳、蝶ヶ岳を縦走して上高地に下山するコースをやった。


Uhuru, ami szuahéliül szabadságot jelent, a Kilimandzsáró 5985m magas főcsúcsa. Először a Shira fennsíkról láttuk meg (bár elvileg ha jó idő van, még Arushából is lehet látni), aztán miután megmásztuk a Baranco falat, végig a bal oldalunkon magasodott.

Shira to Baranco

Living in a city for most of the time it’s always surprising just how clear the sky can be and how bright the stars can be once you’re in nature. That struck me at Mti Mkubwa too, the first camp on Kilimanjaro. “Oh, so that’s why it’s called the Milky Way!”

We started the day with a dancing-singing introduction from the porters and guides. It felt like we were at leisure of time, in no rush whatsoever. We woke up “early” of course (compared to when I’d normally wake up) but only left well past eight.