Tag: live

Az érintetlenek

Van egy csomó apró jegyzetem megint, telefonban, eldugott .txt fileokban, hogy mikről kéne írni… De aztán amikor az a téma sorra került (ha sorra került), akkor nem jut eszembe, utána meg már nagyon nehéz akárhova is érthetően beilleszteni.

Például egy reggel megborotválkoztam, ami amúgy nem gyakran fordul elő – egyszerűen azért, mert ahol gyorsan visszanőne (bajusz, szakáll, pajesz), azt eleve hagyom, a többi meg ugye lassan nő. (Néha örömteli, ha meg épp meg akarnám növeszteni, nyűg.) Azon az ominózus reggelen meg vagy háromheti borosta jött le rólam (nem vagyok az a Robinson-fazon azért), és megállapítottam, hogy vagy két-három évvel fiatalabbnak nézek ki. Aztán másnap meg azt, hogy a bőröm szerint öttel: kezdtek megint előjönni pattanások. Inkább nőjön.

Másik példa néhány apró részlet életem második Sonata Arctica koncertjéhez (az első még Pesten volt). Előtte Sentenced (is) szólt, és sikeresen, jó szokásomhoz híven, bár jó bandára gondoltam, amikor beszélgettünk ott, Paradise Lostnak neveztem őket. Ez a két zenekar nálam teljesen összefonódik, minden ellenére. A Sentencednek a zenéje jön be jobban, a Paradise Lostnak meg a neve (nem láttam még Paradise Lost albumot, ami überelné nálam a Sentenced Funeral Albumját). Érthető keveredés. Meg aztán hogy Tony ilyen nagy “emópanda-öleléssel” búcsúzott – legalábbis ez jutott róla először eszembe. Nagyon… szeretetteljes pillanat. Meg hogy meglepően kevesen voltak a koncerten, bár két nap volt, igaz.

Pull the trigger: In Flames we trust

Yesterday i made the last class finish a bit earlier, but still i could only hear two or three songs from Each of the days, a japanese band (Tokyo Zepp is quite far from the university). It wasn’t that outstanding, and it was funny that the guitarist used the guitar i wanted to buy (very cheap) (at least it looked the same). They had two drummers, and one of them was a girl, quite unusual. Actully, i didn’t even know there were this many bands, this made the event kind of a festival, i thought it’ll only be CKY, Atreyu and In Flames. Not quite…

Then came the first break, and i met a couple of american navy people, they were long into drinking, but still really nice people. From then on i appear on a couple of photos i guess, as a “random hungarian guy”. I also got to know a japanese girl, whom i helped out when she couldn’t understand what the drunk americans were saying anymore.

Endless Hallway played really nice catchy music, sometimes with quite amazing riffs, and they all look the favourite of teenage girls way. They played for roughly half an hour, just like Each of the days before, it was just how it had to be before the bands coming after. I guess this was the time when beers started to fly.

That break i met new people again, more and more from the navy (of various countries) and japanese as well, two girls and two guys, talking away the whole break. And realised that Asahi draft is more water than beer.

And so it continues

It doesn’t stop, today’s the first in the chain of many when i have time to sit down (i won’t specify where) to write this blogpost. Yesterday i couldn’t get myself to do so after running around for hours, most importantly to the post, so finally i applied for a visa card, which is supposed to arrive in a month from now. I also paid my external hard drive, so that’s to come in a week as well. Can’t wait.

Today i really will go to sleep early. I never do, and i’m getting to feel that, yesterday at the table tennis training i got much more tired than i should have, so i decided to wash my hair around eight and just dry and do nothing for the evening—maybe only plan and read on about my topics. And i surely want to finish that paper with the interesting view on the universe as information and the (for me) surprising fact that gravity is an entropic force. It’s really fascinating.

On monday i went to a great concert, Sonata Arctica in O-East. It was a bit short though, hardly ninety minutes, but they played most of my favourite songs (not all, of course, for example they didn’t play Shy). I couldn’t get a setlist, but lucky someone uploaded it. The guys on stage, i mean the band, especially Tony, are just crazy. I also ran into a friend from the dorm there, a bit of a surprise. On the way there, of course i had a coffee and on the way back i passed off the 100 yen second one to a homie, just as last time in Shinjuku.

November 27

On the 27th of november i went to a concert in Shibuya O-EAST, again. (Same place as the Opeth gig.) This time it was Sex Machineguns, and it was great as expected.

To start with the only bad point in the whole night, it was extremely overamplified, as usual, so i ended up stuffing tissues in my ear. (After the other Machineguns gig in may, i couldn’t hear with my left ear for three days…)

And that’s all the bad points: in every other aspect, the concert The 冠 (Kanmuri) and Sex Machineguns did was simply great.


Tuesday, the seventeenth of november in year 2009, from evening seven o’clock Opeth played a fantastic concert in Shibuya O-East, Tokyo. They played for two great hours. I can’t list all the songs in the setlist, but they mostly played songs i knew, with a few from the older records i’m not so familiar with.

Not only the music was great, as expected from (in my opinion) one of the best active progressive bands, but between songs Åkerfeldt’s hilarious comments made everyone laugh too. (It turned out Opeth renamed themselves Swedish manboobs, i’ll have to re-tag my mp3 library.)


October 9, 2009 brought my first punk concert in Japan. And it was great. The first band, SA were, are and will be the first and self-proclaimed best punk band in Japan (agreed). They did a huge show (especially considering that they’re not exactly youngsters), and i had my first moshpit experience in Japan, and it was the same as for example on Die Ärzte on last year’s Sziget. To be honest, i don’t know SA much but they made a great gig. And they were very open, Naoki, the guitarist was shaking hands and talking with fans after the end of the concert.

Rancid did great as well. They played a lot of songs that i didn’t know, which supports what i read about them somewhere on the net, that Indestructible was really just some “deviation” for them—the problem is, i loved it much… I was hoping for David Courtney or Out of control (which was on the soundtrack of NFSU) to come, but no… Whatever. They made a very professional and long concert, they even had a standing bass, which surprised even hardcore fans. I can’t tell the tracklist, but they played nice songs, there was a nice moshpit (with me in there for most of the time), and loads of bodysurfers. Of course since this was my last gig as a teenager, i had to try it out as well and it’s huge fun.

This evening with two such great punk bands worth the money and time definitely. You should regret it if you weren’t there…

High and mighty color

Now i have a bit of time to blog the events of the past (last?) week. On tuesday, a concert, a great one of that for sure. High and mighty color in the Liquidroom of Ebisu.

I was a bit sceptical about how the gig will turn out before because, to be honest, i only knew one song of them, the former Bleach opening and hit single Ichirin no Hana. Well, i regret that now. This band is no longer a small garage-rock band with a great girl vocalist and nice ideas, but they really gave the impression of being real professionals by now. Really surprised me.

Same, the volume of the gig surprised me as well – although a totally japanese concert, it was not overamplified. It was loud, but just as loud where it’s simply just loud, and not painful. Not to mention, roaring sound power matches this music. Since then i listened to a lot of their songs, and decided that if they happen to have such cheap gigs around here any time soon, i’ll sure to be there.

I don’t know the exact tracklist of the concert, but they played all of their great hits, as far as i remember, and for my great joy, Ichirin no hana as well. Turned out to be an unexpectedly great gig.


Today was simply fantastic. Even though we were late for the Stratovarius concert, it was so far the best concert i’ve been to for a very long time. Songs like Rest in peace or Higher we go (just to mention the first two that came to my mind now) made me shout at the top of my voice (i was actually surprised i could keep up with Kotipelto’s range), so after a gig it was pretty hard to talk, but it definitely worth it, this concert would’ve worth quite much anything! My first really good metal concert for a year, and this one was simply ecstatic. Because we were late (so sorry about that) i don’t know if they played Dreamweaver or Hunting high and low, my two favourite songs, i can only hope not—i could hardly forgive myself for being late then. The concert was for short: perfect. It was finally not overamplified like most of the gigs i’ve been to in Japan. And i had a great experience… After the last song, Kotipelto asked if we could count to four in Finnish, for them to bow after that. Naturally silence among the japanese, when i realised that i could count to four in Finnish! “Yksi, kaksi, kolme, neljä!” I went shouting out, visibly surprising the band, but then they saw that i was “apparently a westerner”. So fun! I want to learn Finnish! (And i think that’s the only language i ever wrote with a capital letter here in the blog.) (If anyone interested, i learnt the numbers from my father and the Nils Holgersson book, where the geese were named with Finnish numerals if i remember right.)

Progressive live 2009, yesterday

In Kichijoji’s Silver Elephant there’s a series of concerts every year, titled Progressive live. In may i went to a concert there, which headlined the same band as yesteday’s: TEE (The Earth Explorer), a japanese flute-fronted progressive rock band. Yesterday the other two bands were the japanese Baraka and their friends from France, Eclat.

TEE was as good as expected, they played a new song as well, and they had the only vocals on the whole evening, in Col de l’Iseran (though not much of lyrics, but vocals anyway). Baraka was a surprise for me, i expected something louder and wilder than TEE, but instead got a really quiet, more jazzish, more Pink Floydish music. Eclat were really as pro as Yoneda Katsumi, the guitarist of TEE said they would be. They had a lot of fun on stage, they played great and longer than i’d have guessed from the japanese standards.

Naturally the whole evening was just as over-amplified as expected in this country, but after stuffing half a tissue in my ears i could avoid permanent hearing impairment (?). This evening definitely worth the money and the time – great concerts.


~になるかもしれない。 Péntek óta ugyanis durván háromszorosára nőtt (vasárnap kivételével) a kávébevitelem, a reggeli egy mellett most már délután is belefér egy dupla főzés a termoszba… Tartott ez mind máig, mert ma már szigorú elhatározással korán lefekszek, hogy ki tudjam aludni magam. Úgyis hulla fáradt leszek, mert fél héttől foci van, addig meg kvázi folyamatosan tervezek tanulni, ami azért minden tekintetben ki fog nyírni (remélhetőleg). Ma lenne este ugyanott a Silver Elephantban megint Progressive live koncert, többek között a TEE szereplésével, de nagyon bizonytalan vagyok, hogy vajon a foci éri-e meg jobban, vagy hogy háromezer jent elverek a koncertre, ami amúgy valószínűleg nagyon színvonalas és pofátlanul hangos lenne… Az a baj, hogy az igenember filozófiája ilyen eldöntendő kérdésekben nem működik… Érv a koncert mellett, hogy idén már biztos nem lesz ilyen, plusz foci minden héten van, érv a foci mellett, hogy nagyon jól esik. A koncerten mondjuk össze tudnék haverkodni néhány néppel, mert last.fm-en “barátok” lettünk a TEE gitárosával (és elég felismerhető a profilképem), meg lesz egy európai banda is (hogy azok hogy kerülnek ide…). De még a testmozgáshoz: tegnap este lementem egy órára a kondiba, azóta is sajognak a két éve nem edzett karjaim… holnap meg ugye pingpong (a mai edzés suliidőben, délelőtt volt), az utánra meg a kötelező tanulás beiktatásával (és a gitáróra, ha lesz, múlt héten nem volt) (amíg még nem tompulok el) este levezetésképpen még egy óra kondi, mert az úgy jó (meg megkaptam a Balatonon hogy mi az, hogy a “zorall fejemhez” ilyen gizda vagyok). Majd kiderül, hogy lesz.