Tag: zene


耳のせいだ。または、言ったことの代わりに俺の聞きたいことを聞いちゃった。バンドのジャンルはパンクじゃなくて、ファンクだ。俺にとってどっちでもいいけど、確かにちょっとびっくりした。Jackson 5はパンクじゃないでしょ…

ファンクは楽しそう。スカに似ているし。P-Funkライブにいったこともあるし。俺のドレッドはGeorge Clintonの髪の毛のように色鮮やかだし。



Egyrészt, mostanában nagyjából kétszeresére nőtt a japán zenei gyűjteményem. Hiro és egy klubos senpai jóvoltából megvan már az összes Tomoyasu Hotei album (plusz a legelső Guitarythm-t megvettem tegnap potom ötszáz jenért (meg az AC/DC Razor’s Edge-ét), nem tudtam otthagyni), lett B’z és Kemuri is (utóbbi régen is volt, csak aztán eltűnt valahol út közben), meg Hiro régi bandájának, a BAD DICTION-nak két albuma. Ha tudom, hogy ilyen zenét játszottak, kértem volna tőle autogrammot csak úgy poénból amíg még Tokióban voltam…

Másrészt pedig, vagy talán pont hogy az ilyen változások miatt, egyre nagyobb az igényem egy mp3 lejátszóra, ami megjegyzi a hallgatott számokat a last.fm kedvéért. Néha meglepve látom, hogy olyan előadók, akiknek az albumait nagyjából fejből tudom milyen pocsékul állnak a statisztikákban, egyszerűen azért, mert inkább menet közben hallgatom mint amikor a gépről a teljes kollekció megy véletlenszerűen. Így keresgéltem, és igencsak korlátozottak a lehetőségeim. Az egyik lehetőség, hogy keresek valami olyan lejátszót, ami relatíve olcsó is, és vagy a Zenses vagy Rockbox támogatja. A másik lehetőség egy iPod. Utóbbi egyrészt ellenkezik az elveimmel, másrészt ugyanazért az árért nagyobb kapacitásút kaphatok, ha például Sony Walkmant veszek. Viszont az iPod mindent tud, ami nekem kell, és ezért tényleg komolyan fontolom…

Linux + id3 = FFFFFFUU

Probably i’m the stupid one, but this is not the first time tagging mp3 files almost drove me crazy. Never had any such problems on Windows though, i could do whatever i wanted with foobar, or if i happened to be in the mood to give a track different id3v1 and id3v2 tags, Winamp. Not on linux though. I use Rhythmbox for music playback, edit tags with EasyTAG and do more serious stuff like stream tweaking and replay gain calculating with MP3 Diags. Today i copied an old Sex Machineguns (japanese heavy metal band) album from a backup cd, and wanted to fix the tags with the correct japanese spellings etc. That’s where the fun began. In the beginning all tags were in english or romanized japanese. I changed the tags with EasyTAG and saved both id3v1 and v2. Calculated replay gain with MP3 Diags, and then realised that the id3v1 tags have the japanese text messed up, although it was saved in utf-8–which, as it turns out, isn’t all that well supported in v1. So i deleted the v1 streams with Diag, and all seemed fine. Then i imported it all into Rhythmbox and as if nothing changed, it was still displaying the english-romaji titles. Neither with EasyTAG nor Diag could i see where it gets that data from, it even showed that after i theoretically purged everything but my selected streams with Diag. Tryed again a couple of times and before my nervous breakdown i decided to launch the Windows 7 virtual machine, install foobar and do it there. I was done in half a minute, and it’s working all right. Windows scored.

Girlrock day

Today i was mostly listening to japanese girl rock. (When not, i was learning Bugger off by the Real McKenzies, it’s quite hard to catch how the strumming goes in the acoustic part.) And by girl rock, for now, i don’t mean the kind of Blink-182 and ELLEGARDEN, which have huge teenage girl fanbase, but music by girls. In this case, japanese girls.

First, i was listening to YUI’s latest album, I loved yesterday on Grooveshark. Because their api is very slow updating, it’s not yet showing on my last.fm, but it will be there once. It’s really good, though not as much as Can’t buy my love. The song My generation earned a love very early on. In Can’t buy my love there are Thank you my teens and Happy birthday to you you which are quite similar topic–on I loved yesterday, Love is all and I will love you give me that feeling as well. Complement each other quite nice.

Then i was browsing around and stumbled upon SCANDAL, a four-girl highschool band from Osaka. I had trouble believing they are really high schoolers, their voice and looks seem much more mature (to put it simply, hot). And their music’s good. They have just one album so far, titled BEST★SCANDAL, released in 2008. It’s nice speedy pop-rock, really catchy. Also, 少女S got a love as well, i just couldn’t stop listening to it. Not only that, the whole album makes me want to stick with it for a very long time listening to nothing else. I guess that’s the point of pop. They are good.


Gyors nagyon, mire észbe kapok, már egy hete köhögök. Bár múlna már!

A blogot hanyagoltam, mert vagy nem volt miről írni, vagy volt jobb dolgom is. Elég sokat szórakoztam a virtuális géppel, de végül is szembesültem vele, hogy ezen a laptopomon virtuális gépen az életben nem fog normális sebességgel futni még egy olyan régi játék se, mint a Warcraft. (Mennyi most, hét éves?) Bár ez eszembe juttatta, lehet telepítenem kéne a Starcraftot, úgyis remélhetőleg megjelenik idén a második, ideje edzeni. De a Fireworks megy, nekem meg Windows alatt csak az, a Warcraft és a böngészők (teszteléshez) kellenek.

A gitárral is haladok, skálá(ka)t tanulok. Igazából csak egyet, mert a többin csak végigjátszottam, de nagyon érdekes volt. Találtam egy király weboldalt, ahol sorban lehet kérni a skálákat, mielőtt megtaláltam, magamnak akartam megírni, de így tényleg egyszerűbb. Poén, ahogy végigjátszottam a japán skálát és meglepve hallottam, ahogy teljesen koto-hangzású lett a gitárom.

Aztán egy tweet nyomán felfedeztem, hogy készült egy Suzumiya film idén, és én nem is tudtam róla, úgyhogy holnap reggel korán kelek, megyek Nagoyába és megnézem délelőtti matinéban (máshol már nem játsszák). Az Eltűnés története, amit még nem olvastam, úgyhogy új lesz. Aztán meg majd kiderül.

A week

A week has two parts: the weekend, which in my case ranges from friday afternoon to monday afternoon, and the time spent waiting for the weekend, colloquially called weekdays or workdays or whatever. Of course this view of mine might change as from now on i plan to actively take part in clubs, so the “waiting” will be full of events also worthy of preparing and waiting for, instead of just waiting their end or worse dreading them as in the case of classes.

Also, if the only part of the week worthy of mention is the weekend, a week passes way too quickly. Thinking what i did in the past week since coming back from Tokyo, i can’t recall anything. The curse of breaks, that they break me as well: even if i don’t get ill as i managed to this time, i sleep longer, spend more time doing nothing and don’t even get all that bothered by it. It really takes an effort to get myself to do anything, which in most cases would be coding the blog, just as most of the time in the past many years.

Or playing the guitar, as of recently, i started learning a plenty of songs, most of them still too hard and/or too fast, but this time i decided not to give up (as usual) and learn them properly (mostly Nirvana, White Stripes, sadly i couldn’t find any good tabs for the japanese songs i wanted to play so far). And finally finish that japanese homework i’ve been writing for scary long hours now.

Punks at Kichijoji Club Roots

A while ago the punk of the university, Daizo told us about a gig to come, mostly organized by him, with a few punk bands performing, including his. The date was yesterday, and it was a quite good gig, and a definitely great night. Four bands performed, none of which i knew, and we were also a bit late on the first. Yet, the party started up soon, and it was quite fun. There were classic punks with mohawks as well as “otaku punks”. The latter played the highest quality music there, but i just couldn’t get the crowd to move. Daizo’s band is him, another japanese guy and two foreign students. They played last, and least. Lots of chatting, and very few good tunes (and lots and lots of mistakes). Not the best ending after the previous bands, leaving a bad taste. After that we (Kang, Rado, Thiwanka and me, out of which i think it’s safe to say i’m the only “punk”) had a still not-that-great dinner at Matsuya (the best don is still Sukiya), but then came the change with discovering another Aladdin shisha bar there. Stayed there till the last train. Just when we arrived back i met Paul who called me to play dota. We won, but in a lame way (zero kills, 26 death). Yet the evening ended up great, and i get the feeling that today might be just as good.

AC/DC @ Saitama Super Arena

I had high hopes. AC/DC is not one of my favourite bands, because most of their songs are the same, but i still know all of their old albums, and even listened to Black Ice—once, and that was more than enough. Still, as old school rock’n’rollers, i expected them to deliver a frenetic show, making me want to jump all the way to the stage and sing full power. Tremendous fail.

First, there was no show. At all. Hardly any visual effects, the lights were way too simple and/or not matching to provide any real experience, most of the projected effects were simply lame, the stage equipment, such as the intro train, the sickly disgusting Rosie doll, with the exception of the cannons for the finishing song For those about to rock (which, in my sense, should’ve come first), looked totally low quality and off. Bassist Cliff Williams and rhythm guitarist Malcolm Young were standing all the time beside the drumset, playing, only going in front to their mics when they had to for backing vocals.

HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR @ Club Quattro Shibuya

Today after an afternoon of pretending to practice the songs (it wasn’t going nowhere as well as i wanted to, though i can play most of it, just mess up the rhythm all the time, and considering i’d be the rhythm guitar, that’s quite troublesome), having a really filling lunch and watching the seventh episode of the fourth Skins season, which i must tell you all, is very shocking, like very, but i’m not ms Scoledario (i was surprised that she dated O’Connell irl as well) to spoil everyone, you should just watch it, so after all this, i hurried off for Shibuya. I didn’t know where that Club Quattro was, but after finding it, i realised i’ve been in that building (although in the bookstore of the first floors) earlier.

This was my second High and Mighty Color concert. Since the last time, i got to know more of their songs, so in the roughly ninety minutes they played tonight, there was hardly a song i didn’t know. The show was great, the setlist was very powerful with a bunch of new songs, according to band members some songs having been written just for this gig. Of course they played their greatest hits (Pride, Ichirin no hana), and some that are not so much of popular hits, but are closer to me. The atmosphere was good as well, lots of jokes and laughs, which with the music, made this show what it was: great.

One thing that surprised me a lot was that both guitarists played on seven-stringed guitars. I hope they have transcribed for six-strings as well.

Going to sleep

Is difficult to schedule well. Again it’s three in the morning, and i’m pretty sure i won’t be sleeping before four. Although, in exchange, i’ll just let myself snore on until ten or eleven. Then guitar, guitar and guitar, concentrating as much as i can. Now in the evening i tried to play Iron Maiden’s masterpiece Fear of the Dark and it turned out much better than i thought it would. Also, tomorrow is the High and Mighty Color gig in Shibuya, and maybe i won’t be going alone. Then sunday is more or less the same, church in the morning, guitar all day, then the AC/DC in the evening. Monday again, wake up, guitar, then go to the practice place and more guitar.

Pretty simple, isn’t it? Anyway, today we played a bit of dota, and i got badly owned. To be exact, due to unforeseen circumstances, our team deemed unable to achieve victory. But at least i managed to get a nice build for my phantom lancer: Manta, Aghanim’s, Heart, and i was heading to get the Eaglehorn for my Butterfly when i had to rush home just to be late catching an enemy hero destroy our ancient. My demon witch was good as well, but the bounty hunter could counter me way too efficiently.

In the meanwhile, trying to consume as little coffee and yet stay as active as possible. And blog enough. (Also, just cut a new avatar, does it count as spoiler? I’m not saying where it’s from, because then it would be.)