
Once again I got home past midnight, although I did go shopping for groceries after getting off work… Tonight was pretty tough. We got a CG check scheduled for 8pm that got pushed back over 2 hours, making me quite a bit frustrated. Remember? I don’t mind staying late doing my job, but having to stick around doing nothing is a pain in the ass.

Echigo Summer White

It’s been a while since I last had a Belgian white, and to be honest it’s not the kind of beer I would pick on a chilly, rainy autumn day, but it was the only craft beer available in the store on the way home tonight, so here we are.

Echigo Summer White

Little Brother

It’s been a while since I read Cory Doctorow’s Little Brother (and I definitely recommend it), and I didn’t really care about the whole wiretapping thing either. I was just the average, crypto-apathetic user, who didn’t bother struggling, since “I’ve got nothing to hide” and “that’s how it rolls.”

Ginga Kogen Alt

Last week on the way home from Tsukuba I went to pick up new beer, and the shop had a ranking based on IBU. The other beer I checked recently were on that list too, so I was expecting something with a bitter punch. And since the label says “unfiltered alt”, also some thick, cloudy goodness.

Ginga Kogen Alt


I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but ever since I got home in the afternoon after working out, jogging and going shopping groceries, I am pretty much constantly in a limbo between being sleepy and hungry. I don’t seem to be able to get enough of either. Despite napping a few hours in the early evening, and eating basically non-stop for the hours following, I’m still both sleepy and hungry. I guess I should just go to sleep, at least then I won’t be hungry.

Tamamura Indian Summer Saison

First time (I think) I have a saison at home, actually. I didn’t even realize what it was until I was half way through already.

Tamamura Indian Summer Saison

Burger King KURO Pearl and Diamond

The internet’s been on fire with the news of Burger King’s limited burger in Japan. It’s not everyday that junk food gets such attention, but this time there was a good reason to it.

Burger King KURO Diamond

A tanú

Épp most csöngetett be hozzám két Jehova tanúja, és kivételesen teljesen értelmes dolgokat mondtak. Nem azzal jöttek egyből, hogy engem mennyire szeret az Úr és hogy bánjam meg a bűneimet, hanem olyan, a mindennapi élethez közelebbről kapcsolódó dolgokkal, amik egy japánnak lehet, hogy nem egyértelműek. Azt nem tudom, hogy nekem a keresztény hátterem miatt azok-e.

Friday is not free-day

Well, yesterday wasn’t exactly the epitome of pleasantness. It didn’t start worse than average. I managed to get up at an average time in the morning and I didn’t die jogging my morning laps either. I then picked up some students from some animation school coming to visit (it’s useful to be immediately recognizable in a crowd of Japanese for such tasks). I even disarmed a rage-bomb of the director as well.

That English in your anime

Who knows where it comes from? I don’t know about the industry average, but I don’t think that there would be much variety in this matter. That is: if there is something important and clearly visible in English, then there is a high chance it will get outsourced to native translators – it’s another issue that said translators don’t necessarily put in an effort, and the Japanese staff first of all don’t know enough English to realize that, and secondly even if there is someone to point out derps, production-side people don’t really have a say in the matter.