The past few weeks i’ve had a few chances to look at code. Snippets showing the newest cutting edge features of PHP. A fun online JavaScript console one of my twitter friends made. A multifunctional IRC bot written in Python. Some fun pieces of Ruby code. My own archives from the Java class I took last semester.
今日は留学生向の合同説明会に行ってきた。けっこうよかった。数社の話聞いたら「ここエントリーしようか」と思った、説明会の目的通りだろう。 だが一社はちょっと訳わからない感じだった。
これは、ちょっとわからない。暇な今FBうろついてたら変なことに気づいた。 去年のインターンや今年の就活で出会った人たちの中で、もっとも優秀と思ってたやつらはびっくりするほど内定出てない。俺自身はともかく、本当に3月に既に内定もらってるタイプのやつも未だに(俺同様)熱狂的就職中。
Most tűnt fel, hogy a telefonom már a szobámban is tökéletes jelerősséget jelez. Ez csak azért érdemel említést, mert eddig nemhogy tökéletes nem volt, de néha csak bizonyos zugokban volt egyáltalán jel (mit érdemel az a bűnös, aki földszinti lakásba költözik stb). Nem tudom, hogy a szolgáltatóm telepített-e a közelbe egy új állomást vagy csak a tegnapelőtti Android frissítés eredménye, akárhogyis, én csak örülök hogy végre nem kell a fölöttem lakó wifijét lopnom ha Skyrim közben rá akarok keresni valamire a neten.
Unity again
Remember how I said two years ago that Ubuntu devs should first get Unity to work and then put it in a live release? Well, it all worked quite well… Until the last distro update messed things up again as usual.
Ozzfest 2013 Japan
It was great. (As expected.) There were awesome bands that i’d never heard about before. On the first day I was drenched in sweat (and very grateful that i had about 2000 calories for breakfast) by the fourth artist on stage, and by the end of the day i could hardly turn my head.
Dear music industry,
You’re hilarious. Cheers!
I’m doing a presentation on friday about the reasons, effects and possible countermeasures of piracy, and of course for that i need industry data. Preferably lots of it. Numbers, charts, and from reliable, referable sources too. That of course first led me to RIAA. If you somehow manage to suppress your sudden urge to throw up reading such horribly phrased, blatant propaganda against piracy (i mean, i know that “piracy is a bad thing”, but couldn’t they at least attempt to conceal their philosophy of “if you copy a song you’re a thief and deserve to die”?), it comes to view that most statistics (except for last year US sales) are not free. This is of course to be expected, but i’d rather not pay if there was data available for free as well. Not to mention that since i live and will do my presentation in Japan, i’d prefer global data instead of US-only.
Difficulty in Skyrim
I started a new character in Skyrim a week ago, and for some reason the game set itself to expert difficulty. It’s weird.
Hunting for jobs
Yeah, it’s not fun. Especially now that a certain music label giant’s group thought that my ideas to fight piracy the smart way instead of by brute force were not good enough, I’m not even really motivated.
Local jungle
A while ago i bought a Kindle-only book on the american Amazon. Now that i got a smartphone i thought why not get the Kindle app so that i could read stuff when bored on the train. I did get the app, but for some reason my books wouldn’t show up.
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