I picked Duvel Tripel Hop because of the “triple hop”. My logic was that if hops are for bitterness, then more hops are even better. My expectations were pretty high.
Coedo Beniaka
I’ve known Coedo’s Beniaka from before. That said, I only had it once, years ago, and I didn’t like it. In a bar my friends and I frequented in Hikone they had the entire Coedo lineup, and the first time I went there I tried them all (quite a pricey way to drink out if you ask me). Beniaka was just too sweet for me – and that much hasn’t changed.
Brewdog Libertine Black Ale
A black ale? Sounds like a plan! I was interested to see what this Brewdog beer had for me.
Otaru Bakusyu amber ale
I might’ve had amber ale before, I just don’t recall. More likely, I haven’t. Hokkaido in general has quite a unique scene for gourmet stuff, be that food or drinks, so I looked forward to this beer from the northern island.
Ginga Kogen Pilsner
A Pilsner usually means that I get a taste I’m familiar with, since I grew up drinking pretty much only Pilsners and other mass-lagers. The brewers claim the beer is a very clear and pure Pilsner.
Iwate Akakura
Akakura is the second of the Iwate Kura beer lineup that I got my hands on (the first was Kinkura). As the “red” in its name suggests, it’s a red ale.
Oh! La! Ho! Bossa Nova Summer IPA
Karuizawa beer has a fame that it’s gotta live up to. My expectations were high for this IPA, and it was indeed quite a ride.
Unazuki Torokko
I’ve only had alt beer once before opening this can of Unazuki Torokko, back at Banji Kaicho. Must say that Torokko is a whole different world. I’d hesitate to even put it the same category as Shonan Beer’s alt, they are so different.
Matsue Beerhearn Pilsner
A Pilsner from Shimane? This sounds promising. Matsue’s brew isn’t exactly what I expected though.
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