Tag: work

Remote work

Recently I’ve been seeing lots of articles about companies enforcing RTO (return to office), putting an end to the remote work “paradise” that’s been around since the ‘rona lockdowns. Luckily my company isn’t doing that for devs (though sales folk are hybrid), and it would be tough too considering how many of us moved even further away from the office in downtown Tokyo.

I personally don’t really feel a difference in productivity whether I’m in the office or not. Even if I’m in the office, I’ll just put on my headphones and do my stuff. Team meetings? I really don’t feel there’s a difference between sitting around a table (or standing in front of a whiteboard) and an online video meeting.

On the other hand, losing two hours of my life every working day to a soul-numbing crowded commute? Or paying 3-4x as much just so I can live near the office and drown in the concrete jungle smog every time I want to go for a jog? How about no?




My new job

For two months now, I’ve been working as a Ruby on Rails developer in downtown Tokyo. It’s a whole different world compared to working in anime. Instead of working from 1pm to midnight (though in bicycle distance from home), I now work regular hours 10am-7pm (though with an hour commute one-way). I still go to the gym every weekday and I still can’t manage to achieve a decent sleep schedule.

Work itself is much better. Working in anime was extremely easy. There wasn’t much to do most of the time and even when there was, it wasn’t in any form challenging. Only maybe physically, when I had to drive here and there until 3am. We could come up with ideas for new projects, but the chances of any of them getting any serious attention from superiors was (is) basically zero. All that added up into a huge incentive to quit as soon as I got a chance.

Working in Japan

People often ask me about what working in Japan is like. I always hesitate when answering questions like that, because I can only talk about my own experiences, and the experiences of people I know, which is an awfully tiny slice of the Japanese job market. In the first place, I don’t have any friends who work skyscraper white collar jobs in downtown Tokyo, and for some reason that’s what everyone seems to be interested in.


Már az első hónapokban sem tetszett ez az anime üzlet. Nem mondom, hogy rühellném, de nem akarnám ezt csinálni még évekig. Nagyon nem jó, hogy éjszakába nyúlóan kell ott ülnöm a stúdióban, csak mert az animátorok akkor végeznek a határidős melókkal. Ráadásul ez a jövőben sem változna. A producerek és még az aktatologatók is félelmetes időket húznak le, gondolom az ő esetükben már félig megszokásból. Aztán furán néznek rám, amikor fel merem vetni, hogy ha végeztem már a feladataimmal, akkor feltétlen ott kell-e malmoznom még plusz három órát.

Egy barátom, akinek valamiért nagy meggyőződése, hogy én zseniális programozó vagyok (pedig) meghívott a céghez, ahol dolgozik. Az utolsó interjúkon is túljutottam a múlt héten, és a minap kaptam az értesítést, hogy akkor április elsejével kezdhetek. Én kértem, hogy akkor, mert nem akarnám az év végi prémiumomat kidobni az ablakon, ha nem muszáj, ráadásul a vízumom is márciussal jár le.

Van annyi kötelességtudatom, hogy a projekteket, amiken most dolgozok már végigcsinálom (ez is pont március környéke), aztán lelépek programozónak a belvárosba. Az egy dolog, hogy az új helyen nyolc óra egy műszak, nem tizenhat, de ráadásul szenior programozónak vettek fel, és rádupláztak a mostani fizetésemre. Kíváncsi vagyok, milyen lesz.






Good days, bad days

Everyone, even Garfield hates Mondays, and I’m no exception from that. The way it violates the (hopefully) progress of a weekend and plunges you back back into the dull, mechanical days of work.

Now I’ve got one more reason to hate Mondays. Yesterday, while on an errand in vain (the stuff I was supposed to pick up hadn’t arrived yet), a dutiful cop spotted me checking my phone while stopped in a traffic jam, and I guess you can figure out the rest. It’s “reassuring” to know that policemen are the enemy of people everywhere.

On the other hand, today was pretty nice. While on the rerun of aforementioned errand, I sent in a request to a local radio and they actually played the song I asked for. That felt really nice, and the fact that for the first time in a month I was home from work before midnight felt even nicer.


Today had two elements worthy of mention: sleeping for hours at work as there was nothing to do and playing Rumble once again. As for the former, I quite literally had nothing to do all day until like 8pm – because of course my superiors just love to suddenly remember that there was this really urgent thing that had to be done immediately, and of course they always recall such tasks when I’d rather be at home already drinking a hot cocoa than at work doing… whatever.

Playing Rumble is still fun, especially since my opponents have quite obviously never seen a Rumble in game. Rumble is the typical champion that I enjoy playing a lot, but am bad at. (Although this latter tends to apply to every champion.) My lag still isn’t improving either. Some games I get good solid under-200ms pings, then the next game I start spiking above 500 with the average climbing above 300. At that point things get really difficult as avoiding skillshots is pretty much out of question.

I’d definitely love to change ISPs, but the way my connection is bundled with my phone contract would make switching a lot more trouble than I’m immediately willing to go through.

Negatív körforgás

Ma Japánban piros betűs ünnep van. Persze ez nekünk az animeiparban nem sokat számít – egy átlagos tévésorozat gyártása közben a szabadnap fogalma ismeretlen. Szerencsére én egy mozikba kerülő rövidebb filmen dolgozok, amire egyrészt sok az időnk, másrészt pedig már a javán túlvagyunk, harmadrészt pedig nagyon jó fej a producer. Persze amikor menni kell, akkor menni kell: átvenni, továbbadni az anyagot azonnal kell, nem szabad napokig pihentetni.


Sadly, I’m getting used to this sick style of life, that I work from 10am to midnight every weekday, get close to no sleep on Thursday nights thanks to Shirobako, then on the weekend maybe get half of the stuff I should do done. At least I think my body got used to tighter sleep schedules, since I’m no longer so irritable late night as I used to be.

Not sure if that’s a good thing though. I’d so much rather have a few hours of actually usable free time every day, but alas. At least work’s getting busy, so I’m not sitting idly all day just to get fucktons of work dumped on me at 10pm. I also actively adjust my workflow so that I can minimize idling and maximize my free time. Not that it’s easy.