I’ve only ever heard good things about the beers of Karuizawa Brewery. Not that I could name any specific comments, but the brand had a generally positive ring to me. That only meant that my expectations were high. Very high.
Helios porter of the starlit sky
I’ll have porter if I may
It helps me keep content and happy
When it comes to the Okinawan brewery’s porter, I couldn’t agree more with the Clancy brothers.
Echigo Koshihikari
Echigo is proudly advertising itself as Japan’s first micro-brewery, so I was understandably looking forward to one of their major products, a rice lager.
Thunder and lightning
I picked up the Raiden Rydeen wheat beer last weekend, but I only got to it tonight. My (tiny) beer glasses also arrived today, yay.
A clown in Roppongi
I only found out about Slipknot’s percussionist Clown coming to Tokyo on “an emergency visit to Japan”. I figure he had to come to sort out some details about their November Knotfest in Makuhari (an event I’ll be very sure to attend). There was a “talk show” with him in Roppongi this night, but it was quite the letdown.
Modern art is still art
I’ve had a thing for abstract modern art ever since I read Vonnegut’s Bluebeard back in high school. When we went on a field trip with my university study group, and visited a museum, I was getting weird looks from my fellow students for spending hours looking at nonfigurative beauties.
Sapporo White Belg
Just a while ago I read an article about how big beer should consider making brews that would be too costly for small-scale brewing. Soon after I saw a (private) post on facebook featuring Sapporo’s White Belg, and I was honestly surprised that some mainstream brands actually try their hands at brews that would normally stay in craft territory.
Something fishy
I never heard anything from Fish before this album. I looked into what and who Fish is, and listened to a few songs he did as the vocalist of Marillion back in the ’80s (and I wasn’t impressed). That was a bit of a surprise, because A Feast of Consequences is very different.
Digimon new adventure
Last night one of the trends on Japanese Twitter caught my eye: a new series of Digimon! After a short investigation, I found the source of the uproar, a video from the Toei Youtube channel. That in turn led me to the official site of the new project.
Seino? Say no.
Ordering from Amazon usually means the package will be at my doorstep in a day or two at worst. Thing is, I’m rarely at home: on weekdays I’m at work, and on the weekends I tend to go out during the standard delivery hours.
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