Another of Brew Dog’s brews targeted at the young and rebellious lovers of good beer.
Is this synthetic leaf thing possible?
I’m by no means a chemist or a biologist (I like to blame my education for that), but I can’t not feel skeptical about the synthetic leaf that set the internet on fire a few days back.
Yo-Ho IDGAF seasonal imperial porter
This beer has a name that if it by chance appeared in an anime and it was translated, leechers would be raging at the subbers for trolling. It literally translates to “to the point: no one asked your preferences, sorry”. It’s a seasonal brand by Yo-Ho, and currently it’s a pretty extreme imperial porter.
Laymen’s rough translation of Newton’s first law is “an object at rest wants to stay at rest”. I wonder if Newton was aware of just how well this applies not only to inanimate objects, but living creatures too (me included).
Wednesday Cat
It’s Wednesday, and I had just the right beer for a Wednesday around: Suiyoubi no Neko (Wednesday Cat) by Yo-Ho. I’m pretty sure I’ve never before had anything “Belgian white beer style”, so I was looking forward to it.
Of course today’s main event was the release of Haruna’s K2. The devs managed to make sure this way that everyone had her on their mind on this important day – the day the historical battlecruiser fast battleship sank.
BrewDog Punk IPA
When I see a bright blue can of beer with a logo design using a font that could as well be from VTKS lineup, furthermore called “punk”, I just feel this urge to give it a try.
Craft beer in Ikebukuro
Saturday night. The party town of Ikebukuro. The craft beer and sake bar called 万事快調 (“all’s well”). Of course I forgot to take any pictures, so I just used the one from Tabelog.
Into the Maelstrom
Bigelf’s new release, while not a concept album, focuses on the central element of sci-fi, with space and time travel showing up at every corner.
Going to exhibitions is nice, and it makes me feel like I might even count as slightly cultured in the eyes of ignorant people. “Classical” art (eg up to the 20th century and the collapse of all classical concepts of beauty and art in general) is definitely worth seeing every time, but I felt that I was ignoring something important. After all I’m living in Japan, and while it’s natural that western art exhibitions would be advertised much more, there should be plenty of great local stuff too. That’s how I found the exhibition in memory of Tessai’s death’s 90th anniversary.
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