It’s been a year since after a discussion about what would worth subbing in the winter season, iMon suggested that i help out with Tokimeki‘s Gosick release. Back then i didn’t even know that there was a thing called CrunchyRoll and what simulcasts are, so i joined and translated six episodes for the group, of which 5 were released (and also two of the Megane Kanojo something ova, which never got released).
Even though the slowsub business was obviously not for me (i’d been translating Xros Wars for half a year then, trying to compete with the speed and quality of RyRo), it got me on track, and i applied to gg, one of the few groups that i knew by name, and got in. Then applied to and got in Commie and got recruited to WhyNot, and that’s pretty much how it stayed for a year now.