Month: April 2010

The Lucid Lynx

Today i downloaded and installed the most recent version of Ubuntu. For those unfamiliar with the word, Ubuntu is the linux distribution often labelled as the one easiest to use. Probably it’s right, but still linux is linux. Here you have to sudo to install the mp3 codecs, in exchange you don’t have to worry about security. I still recall how long i looked for a usable firewall for linux, but then rather gave up… I hope the university router will protect me for most of the time now. Also, it only takes typing in the search box to find and install most programs i’d ever want to use–in case they weren’t preinstalled (examples of such: Mozilla’s Thunderbird mailing client, Pidgin, VLC, GIMP, Azureus (still not used to calling it Vuze), SciTE, the Apache server and PHP for it, just to name the most important).

Thus from now on i’ll be mostly hanging on linux instead of Windows. I say “most of the time”, because as you can guess, i’ll still be going under Microsoft’s oft-cursed operating system to edit images (Fireworks) and to play (Warcraft). And, to test my designs on Windows browsers as well (couldn’t find Safari for linux, though i’m not surprised, it’s the Internet Explorer of the next generation).

I’m really happy with this system for now, though there are a bunch of stuff i’ll have to tweak for my own taste–as expected. My drives, although mounted, do not show up in “Computer”, for one, no volume control icon, for two, and i’ll write a quick script with which i’ll be able to ping about my listening to an internet radio. They don’t support that by default, so i’ll be doing it manually. It’ll be interesting to do shell scripting again, after more than a year…

Also, lynxes and big cats of their kind are simply cool. And this one’s lucid too.

My name

Recently i was asked many times about my names. For a very long time now, online i’ve only used valerauko and its variants. Where does it come from?


Tomorrow the scholarship will come, at least it’s supposed to, saving me. I’ll start with buying a pan for making pancakes and a new pack of coffee, because i’m running out of it (again). Saturday i plan to head for Tokyo, meet up with friends during the weekend and come back sunday or monday. One thing sure: i’ll buy myself as much cheese as possible, because nowhere around here could i find cheese in normal price range and amount, and i need a lot. One block of cheese usually lasts 1-2 months, depending on how many times i have dinner, and whether i use it for cooking as well (for pasta, pizza and stuff).

Other than that, going to Tokyo, i have absolutely no plans for this one and a half weeks of break. I will probably go to Osaka once, go on to Kobe, probably Nagoya as well, just to see the surroundings. I’ve already been to Kyoto twice (true, Osaka once as well), but i may go back again for more sightseeing. I really want to spend my time well. Also, with the EEM (Eastern European Method), i can travel by train quite cheap, as long as i don’t need to change lines too much.

I also hope i’ll get my credit card soon, and then… well. We’ll see.


Este nyolc körül ráuntam, hogy csak ülök a szobámban és nem csinálok semmit, vagy legalábbis semmi érdekeset. Ha meg már unatkozom, akkor van két lehetőség: vagy megnézek egy filmet, vagy megyek bulizni. Utóbbi lett.

Jót beszélgettünk, jó buli lett, volt minden, ami kell: társaság, játék, beszélgetés, zene, tánc, mindenki jól érezte magát. Éjjel egy körül a koli mögötti füves placcról visszatérőben olyan lendülettel mentem neki az üvegajtónak, hogy még mindig sajog bele az orrom. A telefonom is elveszett egyszer, kiesett a zsebemből, és nem igazán találtuk a fűben. Valamiért hívni se tudták, de aztán kiderült, hogy csak elírta a számomat. Valamikor három körül még egy közeg is feltűnt, hogy késő van, zavarjuk a szomszédokat, magyarul kuss. Ez lett a végszó.

Ahogy visszatértem a szobámba, még valamiért elkezdtem a neandervölgyiekről olvasni, majd elaludtam ültő helyemben: a zuhanyig már reggel ötig nem jutottam el, az ágyból meg aztán ki délután ötig. Komolyan megfogalmazódik bennem, hogy a japánok valami erkölcsi cél zászlaját lengetve tesznek valami vegyi anyagot a piákba, amitől sokkal másnaposabb lesz az ember. Ne mondja nekem senki, hogy három-négy sör és két pohár szilvabor után nekem délután ötig kell másnaposan szenvedni az ágyamban. Ennyire azért nem vagyok gyenge.

The geek

Tomorrow the new Ubuntu LTS will be released. It’s at L already, this release is called, or will be called, or whatever, Lucid Lynx. (I still remember how “funny” it was when i asked my english teacher at the exam preparation class what the “dapper” of Dapper Drake means… no idea why, though.) I can’t wait to try it out. My laptop is quite old, and it’s really funny how everyone’s surprised that i’m still using XP. At first i didn’t get what’s the problem with it, then i realised that XP was released a decade ago… True, but. In my eyes Vista doesn’t count as an operating system, and i just don’t like the way 7 looks, so i had no temptation to try it out. Also, i tweaked my XP quite well. But truth is, it’s getting slow. Although with Ubuntu i’m confident my machine will still be sufficiently fast, i can foresee the purchase of a new laptop this year. The only problem is i either have to buy it online or when i go home, because i have no intentions to suffer with a japanese language os. Nor their keyboard layout (it’s a nightmare). I will get a laptop, neither a desktop or a netbook, because laptops have what i need: mobility, decent screen size and basic gaming capabilities (i will play StarCraft 2 for sure, if nothing else until WarCraft 4).

The meaning of Liff

When i happen to be in the mood to think about such matters, i soon end up with wondering about the meaning of life. A while ago a friend took a facebook personality quiz and i dared to say the results use the typical technique of saying big and very general phrases that yet will make anyone feel like it’s about themselves. Actually this matter is discussed on the very first page of the book on persuasion and critical thought i’m reading. (The conversation is really important. I made my comment, was labelled sceptical, went cynic and suggested trying to find out the meaning of life in a facebook quiz, a response with the said person’s “meaning of life”, which i countered as being a way to live, not the meaning, then the friend said it’s the same.)

I’m sceptical, that’s probably true. I don’t consider myself strong or exceptional, so if i can debunk something it’s simply not good enough.

A Jack of All Trades

In Neil Gaiman’s Graveyard Book the Jacks play a significant role. I’m not a native english speaker so i didn’t know that this “Jack of all trades” is a phrase quite famous, indicating someone who is a jack (man) of all trades, but master of none. I’m wondering if i could actually become master of any. Master, as in top. Or will i, do i have to embrace the fact that i’m just an average human being?

It’s one thing i’m aware of that, and another is that i accept it. I don’t plan to.

I obviously can’t be a master of any trade. There are always people better than me in all fields, people who sacrifice most else to excel in one field—and i’m not one of those. I never liked the idea of specialization, in rpg games i always suffered for every level because i was building warmages, capable of dealing decent damage and also casting powerful spells, instead of a specialized mage or warrior. I don’t really have a special talent in any field either, nor the discipline to do sacrifices to win over those who have talents. Instead of becoming a short-sighted scientist, i want to become someone who can at least see what’s going on in general. I don’t want to be the doctor laureate who doesn’t know where Laos is.

I think, now, totally dazed by sleepiness, that i’d rather be a jack of all trades, than a master of none. (Play on the original phrase, hell yeah.)


Lehet, hogy tényleg jobban járt az ország a kétharmados Fidesszel. Nincs mentségük ugyanis. Nem szeretem őket, ez egyértelmű, gondolom, de nem szeretek én különösebben a politikai bagázsból egy oldalt se. (Pont ezért volt vicces, amikor a választások előtt kritizálni mertem a jobboldalt, rövid távon küldtek kezet fogni Lendvai asszonnyal (és akkor egy költői metaforát (metafora, mert nincs benne “mint”, ahogy azt gimiben tanították volt) használtam).) Olvastam (ha nem is végig) minden párt programját, amiről ha lett volna netem, írok is, így csak utólag lehetek okos. Az MSZP-nek nem volt programja, amit program címszó alatt kiadtak, annál Gyurcsány bármelyik beszéde jobb lett volna. A Fidesznek jóval lényegretörőbb és program-szerűbb terméket sikerült kiadnia, de még ez se az volt, ami kellett volna. Az MDF programja jó, kidolgozott és értelmes volt, az egyetlen dolog, amit hiányoltam belőle, a cigánykérdés megoldása volt. A Jobbik programja volt az, ami úgy nézett ki, ahogy egy választási programnak szerintem ki kell néznie: mindenre kiterjedő, kidolgozott és részletes, ha nem is értek egyet vele. A SZDSZ programját nem tudtam hova tenni. Ránézésre elég részletesnek tűnt, MDF-fel egy szintűnek, de aztán beleolvastam, és azt hittem, valami tévedés van. A tartalma teljesen eltévedt, mintha egy tíz évvel ezelőtti programot adtak volna ki újra. Semmi aktuális probléma vagy akár csak utalás ilyenre nem szerepelt benne. Az LMP programja a gazdaság élénkítésére koncentrál, de arra jól.

A Fidesznek lett kétharmados többsége, azt tud csinálni Orbán az országgal, amit akar, csak aztán négy év múlva, ha marad valami, el is kell számolnia majd. Kíváncsi vagyok, mit hoznak össze. Én ezt a ciklust itt fogom tölteni Japánban, úgyhogy ha (még jobban) tönkre is teszik az országot, én a japánok pénzén jól élek. (Egyelőre.) Ha így lesz, változás lesz megint, ha nem, akkor meg örüljön mindenki.


I did my weekly shopping today, i won’t hopefully need to buy anything for a couple of days now. Well, at least until friday. Friday is when the monthly scholarship comes and will save me from going bankrupt. My account balance is a whole 1200 yen right now, with about the same in my pocket. Really reassuring.

The weather is totally cheerful by the way. My poor umbrella was half-broken by the wind this one day more times than all my previous umbrellas altogether. It’s blowing so hard that sometimes it blows in through the aircon (yet, the weather websites claim there’s no exceptionally strong wind or rain here, nice job guys).

The classes today, or rather classes in general, can be divided into three groups: the classes which are meaningless and/or boring (most are such), the classes where it’s more or less impossible to follow the teacher’s train of thought (information society) let alone take notes (marketing), and the classes which worth something (bookkeeping, japanese).

At least i got home around seven. I had a fascinating (not) math class as last, till way too late. Considering that i only ate my pasta-bento since morn, which means seven hours since my last meal not counting my last cookie from home, i’m kind of starving. Turning into a hobbit or what.







参考文献 S.P.Burgos et al. (2010) “A single-layer wide-angle negative-index metamaterial at visible frequencies” (Nature)