The name of the band itself gave a very pretentious impression. “This is intelligent music!” Well, there is some depth to it, I must give them that, but I still couldn’t grow to like it.
Iwate Kinkura
This Iwate local beer called Kinkura was recommended for summer, so of course I decided to give it a try.
A VPS, again
Just this morning I got a promo tweet telling me about SSD cloud hosting for $5 a month. Not that I’d need a cloud host VPS to run a low-traffic WP blog, but I like occasionally having fun with lower-level stuff, and als— wait what? It costs less than my current shared plan?
Karuizawa Asama Kougen
I’ve only ever heard good things about the beers of Karuizawa Brewery. Not that I could name any specific comments, but the brand had a generally positive ring to me. That only meant that my expectations were high. Very high.
Helios porter of the starlit sky
I’ll have porter if I may
It helps me keep content and happy
When it comes to the Okinawan brewery’s porter, I couldn’t agree more with the Clancy brothers.
Echigo Koshihikari
Echigo is proudly advertising itself as Japan’s first micro-brewery, so I was understandably looking forward to one of their major products, a rice lager.
Thunder and lightning
I picked up the Raiden Rydeen wheat beer last weekend, but I only got to it tonight. My (tiny) beer glasses also arrived today, yay.
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