Reptéri kalandok

Rég volt már olyan, hogy gondom lett volna a szokásos karácsonyi utammal Magyarországra. Egyszer, még pár éve, nagyon csúnyán elszámoltam magam és majdnem Frankfurtban ragadtam, amikor kiderült, hogy az átszállásom igazából másik reptéren van. Most is én voltam a hibás, de ezt a légitársaságoknak nem kell tudniuk.

Nagahama Roman Ibuki Weizen

Another one of the Nagahama Roman lineup, this time a weizen named after a characteristic mountain near Nagahama, Mt Ibuki (pictured on the label). It’s pretty much always the first to get snow in the area and the last to lose it. Also, it’s at a chokepoint of the east-west trade route across the central-Japan mountain ranges, so there were a bunch of battles around there I believe.

Nagahama Roman Ibuki Weizen

Oumi Pilsner

Earlier this month I went back to Hikone for the alumni meetup of my university club, and there in a convenience store I found this lineup of (probably very) local craft beer. There was an ale, a stout, a weizen and a pilsner. This pilsner.

Nagahama Roman Oumi Pilsner

Nitro Milk Stout

Never had a milk stout before, and honestly, if this is the “great” “standard” for it, then I won’t have any again.

Nitro Milk Stout

Tokyo Blues

I noticed this beer on the shelf of my usual liquor store, and as I’m in general very curious about Japanese craft beer, I couldn’t resist picking up a bottle. There’s a lengthy description on the label about how it’s Tokyo’s “blues soul” in a bottle – I don’t know about any soul, but it’s definitely very Japanese.

Tokyo Blues

Tiny Rebel Full Nelson

It caught my attention how this beer is labelled Maori… I was going to say I was wondering what the reason was, but it’s written right there on the label: they use a New Zealand hop.

Tiny Rebel Full Nelson

Mikkel’s Dream

I don’t know if this is the American Dream’s or the Danish Dream’s Japanese version or what. Photos and tags online contradict each other, so I’ve got no idea which this “Mikkel’s Dream” actually is.

Mikkel's Dream

Brewdog Jack Hammer

I’ve had Brewdog beers before, so I was happy when I saw one I haven’t had (in stock) yet.

Brewdog Jack Hammer

Old Rasputin Russian imperial stout

Old Rasputin Russian imperial stout

Ballast Point Big Eye IPA

Another beer recommended to me.

Ballast Point Big Eye IPA